The Nellans Photo Shoot

I took these pictures back in December…so this is a little late 😉

But I think you’ll still enjoy the pictures!

I love the silhouettes!

Boden wasn’t to happy about being out in the cold….

So we gave him one of his little snacks to keep him happy 🙂 He’s such a cutie!


Looking all grown up!

Sweet little Campbell

Benton ( love his smile in this one!)


So ccoolldd! But I absolutely love this one


It may have been cold…but we had a lot of fun 🙂


Photo-A-Day Challenge

Last week of photo-a-day challenge.

23. Green

24. Late night..ok, it wasn’t that late 😉

25. Joy

Lol, I obviously  didn’t take this pic. but it sure does describe my joy that moment …

…when I got this little guy 😀

26. Mess

27. Blessings

28. Weather

29. Snowflake

Oh these were so fun to do!

30. A book your reading

31. Fun

Yet another pic. I didn’t take. I was busy setting off car alarms for new years eve 😉

Happy New Year everybody!!!


Early Sunrise And Foggy Day

Lots of Pictures, so hang on 😉 We’ll start with the sunrise..I was out in the snow for a good hour just having fun snapping pictures of the sunrise…awesome! Although having no gloves can be a bit of a problem!

It was so epic  to see the color’s change!

Corn stalk stubs are always fun to make silhouettes out of 😉

LOVE these weeds..they are so pretty!

As for the foggy was a little eerie to drive in, but suburb for eerie pictures 🙂 That day I wasn’t gonna take any pictures, ’cause I didn’t think it was that great with all the fog, but when I looked out my window, I ran out with my camera in hand, and I took a lot more pictures than I  had expected 🙂

And since it had rained a ton, we had lots of photogenic raindrops 😉

These ‘weeds’ where SO pretty loaded with raindrops..ahh I loved it!


Noah was so funny ‘in’ the raindrop 😉

Icy ice covered leaves…

…and clover

Which was your favorite?




Photo-A-Day Challenge Week 2

Here goes week 2 🙂

8. Decorations-we have so many of those houses that light up!

9. B/W

 10. Night time

11. little drummer boy…only by Pentatonix 🙂

12. knitting a cowl

13. cozy

 14. Smiles…she is pure adorableness 🙂

15. silver

Have a awesome week 🙂 I’m SO looking forward to Christmas♥



Tis The Season…

For sending Christmas cards, shopping, wrapping gifts, eating, celebrating, and well, more eating 😉

I’ve wanted to capture December, a photo a day, so I made my own ‘list’ of things I want to shoot this month.

I’d encourage you to join the fun as well! Be creative when taking the pic. instead of straight on, or looking down on it, what about slighting looking up at in w/ a bit of bokeh in the background? Lots of new things to try!

 Here is the list i’ll be following..

And at the end of each week, I’ll post my pictures!! A few others that are doing it, you might like to look at their pictures too! Mary (blog) and Alaina (blog)!
